Monday, September 27, 2010

Yoga tips Posted By : shirin mehta


? The first yoga tip is that the ideal time for practicing Yoga is early in the morning, before breakfast. This is because it is the time, when our mind is calm, composed and fresh and the body movements can be performed, with considerable ease and vigor.

? To begin a yoga program you need to have the motivation and confidence in yourself.

? The clothes you wear while doing yoga should be made from cotton, they should be loose fitting and as comfortable as possible.

? Another important yoga tip is that the place you chose must be calm, quiet, well ventilated, dust free, moisture free and also distraction free.

? Before you start practicing Yoga, it is very important for you to clear your bowels and bladder as well as clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus. It would be ideal to bathe before starting. You must also drink a glass of lukewarm water. Thus particular yoga tip will not be given to you by many

? Wait for a few minutes and then you can start.

? The next yoga tip is that like all other work outs, you must begin with easy asanas, thereafter you can advance to the tough ones. This is not any old work out; it is something that has been scientifically developed over centuries with known curative results!

? You must be methodical and systematic in doing yoga; progressing in the order taught by a qualified instructor.

? Remember, to start with your movements should be smooth, slow and light and if you feel fatigue in between you must discontinue. This is a very important yoga tip.

? Yoga energizes and never causes weariness, tiredness or depression.

? Another important yoga tip is to take breaks in between, if a particular step or exercise proves tiring or tedious refrain from doing it that day.

? Yoga tips for the diet of a person performing Yoga.

o The diet should be a balanced

o You should eat after an interval of 4 hours after a yoga session

o Eat natural nutritious and healthy food

o The quantity of food should be such that it satisfies your appetite. Generally, the ratio composition of meals should be - grains and cereals (30% of the calorific value), dairy products (20%), vegetables and roots (25%), fruits and honey (20%) and nuts (5%).

o Over eating and fasting should be avoided. At the same time, you must try to avoid stale food.

? Yoga tip to note: while performing Yoga, your breathing should be long, regular and deep. You must remember to keep your mouth closed and inhale and exhale, only through the nose. Never should the breathing be labored.

? You should always keep a Yoga mat made of cotton. For lying postures use a woolen carpet covered with a clean sheet over it or a thick Turkish towel.

? Remember, while doing yoga, you should not get a feeling of pain or discomfort. If you do, you are not doing it in the right manner or you need to adjust your pose to suit you better.

? The final yoga tip: if you are a beginner, do not insist on doing the tough asanas. Remember, you need to always begin with the easy postures and then, proceed to the difficult ones. You should always follow the graded steps of Yoga.

By: shirin mehta

Article Directory:

Shirin Mehta is a nutritional consultant, who works with Holistic health guru Mickey Mehta. She has a whole cache of weight loss diet plan, which include yoga tips as well.

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Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Kathmandu Rather than India Posted By : Mark Alexander II

Yoga Teacher Training Courses India
For years thousands of yoga practitioners have travelled to South Asia to practice in Ashrams, develop their yoga at intensive workshops or ultimately become qualified yoga teachers on one of the many Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training courses India has to offer. More and more companies are launching YA certified yoga courses in Varanasi and other spiritual surroundings around India.

Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training
Becoming a Yoga Alliance certified teacher has its benefits. Other than the great enjoyment and spiritual satisfaction that teaching to others gives you, the other benefit that cannot be ignored is that YA Certification is a recognized qualification that puts you on the right road to finding work as a qualified yoga teacher enabling you to make a living doing the thing that you love most in this world.

Why Teacher Training Courses India?
The traditional practice of mental and physical health which we have come to know as yoga originated from the North of India and what is now known as Nepal. Even though in recent times it has become more and more popular worldwide and is now taught all over the globe it is likely that the majority of all yoga teachers at one time or another traveled to India to practice yoga or get certified as a teacher; and what better place to bring you closer to yoga and some of the best yoga teachers in the world than the land of its origins, but why not Nepal?

Yoga in Nepal
Anyone who has visited a Himalayan ashram or practiced at a retreat with the magnificent Mount Everest as their backdrop will tell you of an enlightening experience that is not to be forgotten. There is something really special about practicing and learning yoga on the ?Roof of the World?, the Himalayas. The historical association that Nepal has with Yoga, being cut off from the hustle and bustle off modern civilization and the beautiful background that the Himalayas gives the region all adds to the unique spiritual atmosphere of Nepal and so more and more companies have chosen to offer yoga teacher training courses in this wonderful country.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses Nepal
There are number of Yoga companies to choose from that offer yoga teacher training courses in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal but when it comes to making the choice of which company to take your teacher training course with how can you be sure that you?re choosing the right one? Firstly the tell tale sign of a reputable company is whether they offer Yoga Alliance certified courses or not and if so then well, you?re half way there.

Yoga Companies Kathmandu
When it comes to choosing a yoga teacher training course with a reputable yoga company in Nepal you can be reassured that you will get great value for your money. The prices for yoga training courses in Nepal vary from around 600 USD for a 4 week/200 hour course to around 900 USD for 6 week/300 hour courses.

300 Hours Yoga Courses
There are a number of Kathmandu Yoga schools run by reputable companies that offer an amazing 300 hours yoga holistic course including 200 hours of Yoga Alliance certified training, plus 5-6 weeks of complimentary holistic nutrition training. Unmatched by yoga schools in India these 300 hours yoga courses boast up to 50 hours of yoga teacher training, with a selected few also offering a Thai massage course that will get you certified in Thai massage inclusive of your YTTC price.

By: Mark Alexander II

Article Directory: is a non-profit organization holding yoga teacher training courses in Kathmandu. The next yoga TTC will be held on 3rd October 2010 for more information visit

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Yoga practiced for peace - The Daily Collegian Online

Yoga enthusiasts practice call and response chanting during the yoga for peace at the Lotus Yoga Center on September 24, 2010. (Kelsey Morris/Collegian)

The smell of Indian food wafted through the Lotus Yoga Center as university students and Centre County Big Brothers Big Sisters members gathered on floor pillows preparing for an hour of yoga.

Yoga tougher than it appears - Longmont Daily Times-Call

Yoga is not my thing. Never has been; never will be.

Slowly, I?m realizing that?s a formula for disaster.

It?s not just an excuse for the wife to get out of the house, or to get some free time while you?re lounging on the couch watching football in your underwear.

If you think that, you?re wrong. Way wrong.

This is serious business.

I had just finished my recovery week ? six days worth of yoga, core and stretching ? and hopped in the shower. Standard procedure following a do-your-best workout.

Shower off, I reached for my towel. Normal routine.

Feeling spunky, I whipped the towel around with both hands and dried my back.

?Uh oh.?

The upper left side of my back and lower neck were in big-time pain.

Nothing like being naked and in excruciating discomfort. Awkward, I know.

Before I was even dressed or could complain about pulling a back muscle, reality set in.

?That?s why you do yoga,? my wife said. ?Quit skipping it.?

Thanks for caring.

No worries, though: She gave me plenty of back rubs and neck massages the past few days.

Truth is, I don?t always skip the Yoga DVD.

During a normal P90X week, yoga is sandwiched in between hardcore chest, back, arms and cardiovascular workouts.

It?s like me wearing spandex. Just doesn?t fit.

So, I normally substitute the Cardio X DVD. Instead of an hour and half, like yoga, it?s 45 minutes.

Much easier on the body. Still sweat like a madman, too.

Plus, the first 15 minutes of the workout is yoga, followed by kenpo drills, plyometrics and cardio exercises. So I?m still flexing, bending and balancing.

However, five days before pulling a muscle drying off, there I was in front of the TV doing yoga. Rumbling, bumbling, stumbling.

They say yoga opens the mind, cleans the body, relaxes the muscles.

?I do things now at 45 that I couldn?t do when I was younger,? says P90X creator Tony Horton. ?Why? Because I do yoga.?

Guarantee you Horton doesn?t pull muscles in the shower. Just a hunch.

Wife by side, I stumbled through the Yoga DVD. ?How?s my form?? I asked, every 5 seconds.

The moves, poses and stretches were so muddling, my head exploded.

Prayer twist. Reverse Warrior. Half moon.

My body had no response.

Since it was recovery week, I was supposed to do yoga a few days later. Didn?t happen.

Man, my neck hurts. Stupid yoga gods.

Check back every Monday to follow Ray Sobczyk?s P90X journey. He can be reached at

All content Copyright © 2010 Longmont Times-Call. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed for any commercial purpose. Privacy Policy

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Reader Letters | Yoga judgment - Louisville Courier-Journal

Given the social, political, economic and environmental issues that society and churches are grappling with today, I was astonished to read Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler's recent comments regarding yoga. I have practiced yoga for 12 years, and many of my fellow practitioners are some of the most compassionate, reverent, spiritual, selfless, and ethical people I have ever met.

As with the case of which sports team emerges victorious, who wins an Oscar, and where you left your car keys on any given day, I'm pretty sure that God (or whichever Deity you prefer) has bigger fish to fry than condemning those folks on their mats, pursuing health of mind and body. I would suggest that President Mohler follow suit and focus more on the tasks associated with his position, and less on passing judgment of others. Namaste.


Ph.D., M.P.H.

Louisville 40205

Why The Courier-Journal thinks that Albert Mohler's opinion of yoga as a threat to Christians is newsworthy is beyond me. He is certainly entitled to his own personal beliefs as much as any other person. My objection is to the C-J giving over the space to his views, which for many of us elicit a ?who cares?? response. To devote paper space to his bizarre beliefs provides him with a free platform to proselytize a version of Christianity which is anything but Christian. He has a blog already. Let's leave it at that.


Louisville 40299

As many athletes know, concerted physical activity induces a state of mind similar to meditation. This suspension of our conscious separation of mind/body can result in feelings of calm and oneness with the universe. I expect that this is also possible with the vigorous pursuit of dance, walking, and even work. But at the least, I can attest that by Albert Mohler's theology, basketball and jogging are un-Christian.

(2 of 3)


Louisville 40217

Yoga evolved out of the Hindu practice of meditation. Yoga (simple stretching exercises) prepared the body for the unusually difficult task of sitting still for 20 minutes or more ... and the even more difficult task of calming the mind to allow whatever spiritual thoughts that lay within the subconscious to surface. No yoga instructor I've ever known has ever promoted any religious dogma other than loving kindness. It's been said, ?Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to God.? How bad is that, Mr. Mohler?


Louisville 40207

Now I understand why they keep the room so hot in yoga.


Louisville 40206

Possibility City.

Possibility of police chief saying a bad cop is no worse than others on force: 100 percent.

Possibility of police investigation whitewash of bad cop: 100 percent.

Possibility of housing authority head misappropriating money for her mother: 100 percent.

Possibility of city government engaging in back handed and unethical dealings: 100 percent.

Possibility of most local politicians really doing anything for the people: Slim to none.

Possibility of most local politicians actually doing anything constructive for Louisville/Jefferson County without lining their own pockets: Slim to none.

Possibility of getting an East End bridge built in the next decade: Slim to none.

Possibility of getting some East End, big money high-and-mightys to quit blocking the logical solution to the traffic congestion: Slim to none.

Possibility of actually being a Possibility City: Slim to none.

Possibility of getting rid of a mayor for life: 100 percent.

Possibility of the new mayor being better than the old one: ?

(3 of 3)


Louisville 40214

After 67 years of living on this planet I have come to the belief that vampires are alive and well in the good old U.S A.

The term ?vampire? is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as ?one who lives by preying on others.? As a witness to the economic collapse of this country perpetuated by George W. Bush's administration, I am appalled that a new generation of ?Bushies? has resurfaced.

Political ?vampires? such as Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell are advocating the death of New Deal programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. They cloak their cowardly schemes with the threads of ?privatization? and ?tax cuts.?

What do these ?political bloodsuckers? have to offer the citizens of the United States of America? Nothing. Once they do away with all our safety nets, do they really expect to continue to tax us for various ?nation building? schemes that will line the pockets of their corporate benefactors? Are we really that stupid or ignorant to forget the evaporation of the Clinton surplus and George W. Bush's economic train wreck created by the unjustified invasion of a country that failed to have weapons of mass destruction?

Alas, I have now come to believe that ?The Party of No? is nothing more than a political group of ?blood suckers? that care only about themselves, and their main agenda is to suck the lifeblood out of our beloved country.


Louisville 40242

Joe Gerth's article in Friday's C-J is just a continuation of the Rand Paul bashing that goes on daily. He makes a big deal out of telling the readers that Rand Paul says that Medicare recipients will need to pay higher premiums to cover the higher costs of Medicare. He gives several quotes/slurs from Jack Conway about Paul wanting to have seniors pay more so he can line his own pockets.

What Gerth's article omits completely is what Jack Conway's response to higher Medicare costs is. Conway's Democratic Party is the one which passed the Healthcare Reform Act that is going to take $500 billion out of Medicare. This is a bill that Conway supports. You will never see The C-J exposing that information to its readership, just like you will undoubtedly not see this letter printed in The C-J.


Prospect, Ky. 40059

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Hindus laud Lutheran Church for offering free yoga instruction - Sify

Hindus have welcomed Norman (Oklahoma, USA) church for sponsoring a market which will offer free yoga instruction.

According to reports, University Lutheran Church and Student Center in Norman is sponsoring a Really Really Free Market on October nine where no money is exchanged and everything is free and which the Church describes as: "This is a way of reaching out and giving back to the Norman community". Besides other items/services, it will offer free yoga instruction and will feature belly dancing.

Welcoming the Church offer of free yoga instruction, eminent Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that although introduced and nourished by Hinduism, yoga was a world heritage to be utilized by all. One could still practice one's respective faith and do yoga. Yoga would rather help one in achieving one's spiritual goals in whatever religion one believed in.

Rajan Zed further said that yoga, referred as "a living fossil" whose traces went back to around 2,000 BCE to Indus Valley civilization, was a mental and physical discipline handed down from one guru to next, for everybody to share and benefit from. According to Patanjali who codified it in Yoga Sutra, yoga was a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical. Yoga was based on an eightfold path to direct the practitioner from awareness of the external world to a focus on the inner, Zed added.

According to National Institutes of Health, Yoga may help one to feel more relaxed, be more flexible, improve posture, breathe deeply, and get rid of stress. Swami Vivekananda reportedly brought yoga to USA in 1893. According to an estimate, about 16 million Americans now do yoga.

Launched in 1955 and moved to current site in 1965, University Lutheran Church and Student Center in Norman is affiliated to Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with Mike Girlinghouse as Pastor. Part of its mission is to spread the "message of God's abundant grace". Norman, home to University of Oklahoma and incorporated in 1891, is also known as City of Festivals. (ANI)

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Yoga for Beginner - DVD

Yoga instructor Barbara Benagh has practiced and taught yoga for nearly 35 years. She discovered yoga while living in England and began teaching there. She moved to Boston and opened The Yoga Studio on Beacon Hill in 1980. In addition to her local classes Barbara teaches yoga seminars throughout the US and internationally. She is a regular contributor of articles to Yoga Journal magazine. She has several audio CDs of live classes available as well as DVDs, the latest being Yoga for Beginners released by Body + Soul magazine, and Yoga for Stress Relief that includes a discussion on meditation from the Dalai Lama.
Barbara was kind enough to answer some questions from about this unique line of yoga DVDs.

How are these DVDs different from other yoga DVDs? I was drawn to working with Bodywisdommedia because they produce DVDs they are interactive. Rather than a "one size fits all" single routine that is typical of most products, these DVDs offer choice, allowing the user to customize and change their yoga practice to suit their needs. No two persons are the same so the ability to change your practice - easing shoulder tension one day and an invigorating morning wake up the next - come as close as possible to allowing you to address your individual needs at home. Not only do people have different physical needs, but they have different time constraints as well. If you have only 20 minutes, there is a practice for you but there are longer practices as well (some as long as 90 minutes) that address the total body/mind connection. The sheer number of yoga sequences offered on each of these DVDs is a first. They are incredibly comprehensive.

How were you able to get the Dalai Lama involved?
This project dovetailed perfectly with the Dalai Lama's message that modern stress is one of the greatest obstacles to our mental happiness and physical wellbeing. Because we are long-time sincere practitioners, having a 30-minute lecture of the Dalai Lama teaching how to meditate on the Yoga for Stress Relief DVD was a perfect fit. Bodywisdommedia also has a broader relationship with the Office of Tibet and are releasing historic lectures with "A Path to Happiness" being the first one.

How will potential buyers of these DVDs know which one is right for them?
The titles are very indicative of what appears on the DVD and therefore a good guide. I really enjoyed making Yoga for Stress Relief because it is incredibly relevant. We strove to make the sequences accessible to as many people as possible, whether they are a beginner or long time practitioner. Yoga for Beginners is a great, non-threatening place to get started and includes lots of sound technique developed over my 30 years as a yoga teacher. Power Yoga for Every Body is a bit more challenging taking you from the beginning level and gradually progressing to much more demanding routines.

Product Description

From the Editors of Body + Soul Magazine comes a new line of DVDs designed to excite, inform, inspire and encourage your quest toward a balanced and healthy whole life.

YOGA FOR BEGINNERS is the perfect way to be introduced to Yoga and it helps you to explore and experience the numerous benefits of yoga. There are 8 routines to help build strength, increase flexibility, improve your health and vitality and transform how you look and feel.

Routines are led by renowned instructor Barbara Benagh who expertly leads you through tailored workouts ranging from 10 to 60 minutes. YOGA FOR BEGINNERS was filmed on location at one of the most beautiful, tranquil beaches in the world, Half-Moon Bay, Antigua, which adds to the overall experience of tranquility.


-8 Customized, Targeted Routines

-Exclusive Interview with the Instructor

-Routines from 10 - 60 Minutes

-Includes articles from Body + Soul magazine