Thursday, February 01, 2007

Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief

Yoga is not a 'remedy' for menopause - not least because
menopause represents a stage of life, rather than an illness. A
woman's experience during menopause is completely individual,
and yoga is not specific like the drugs of modern medicine.
There is no one set series of postures that thus make up a
'remedy' for the symptoms of perimenopause.

Yoga is, instead, an adaptive discipline that can support the
body through the myriad of biological changes it is making.
Importantly, it can also support our minds and emotions, and
allow us to come to a perspective on the inner processes that
are happening. Many perimenopausal women have found both the
physical and less tangible benefits of yoga helpful at this time.

If you haven't done any yoga before, it would be best to go to a
class to learn. No DVD or book can quite replace watching a
teacher demonstrate a posture, taking you through the different
breathing practices, and offering insight into how your body is
coping with the poses. It also helps to have a practical
grounding like this if you're reading yoga books, where they
will present a number of different poses and variations.
Learning yoga first by practicing it in class, gives you the
experience to adapt what you read in books to your own needs.

There are some general points about asanas (poses), however.
Back bends can be great for improving one's mood and lifting
energy levels, and forward bends are good for anxiety and stress.

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