Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yoga Mat and Yoga Props

As with all exercise plans and fitness regimes, we all want tools and aids to help us to be really good at our chosen style. In yoga, various fads went unnoticed for a long time, as practitioners were dedicated to the simple yet effective basic style of yoga and these additional extras were deemed unnecessary by many.

Iyengar yoga for example have used props within their classes as a means of students being able to achieve all of the benefits of correct positioning and advanced postures, even if the students did not have the full flexibility or range of movement. Using a prop such as a block enables the student to not have to strain their body and receive an injury for the sake of pushing to reach a more advance final position.

They also work well with injured or tired students as they can still participate without straining at all. Iyengar yoga still focuses on balance, flexibility, strength and stamina but the use of props enables the beginners to participate and to reach their maximum potential right from the start.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yoga For Weight Loss and Body Balance

I was recently asked by a friend whether yoga is a good way to lose weight-my answer was a resounding yes! While you will definitely want to incorporate cardiovascular exercise (such as dancing, jogging, cycling, or aerobics) to rev up your metabolism, a yoga practice can be a welcome addition to a weight loss routine, providing both physical and emotional balancing, strength, and joy.

The physical benefits of yoga are numerous:

* Many types of yoga, such as the vinyasa, power, and kundalini styles, are dynamic and flowing, bringing some cardiovascular exercise into the mix.

* All types of yoga help to build lean and long muscles, especially in places you might not have thought to work out, building a more balanced body as you lose weight and helping to burn calories, even when at rest.

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Easy Secrets Yoga To Increase Your Height

Sometimes there comes a plateau when you height and weight remains steady and do not increase. But since you are only 13 years old it is possible to increase your height with different yoga asana if you do them on regular basis. The common yoga pose for increasing height include tadasana, vriksasana, ardha uttanasana, salabhasana, garudasana, adho mukha svanasana and balasana. These poses will not help to increase your height but will also help to give you an erect posture.

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