Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yoga Standing Poses

Some of the most efficient poses are the standing positions. They offer excellent stretching of the muscles and they have noticeable effects on the promptness and accuracy of the nervous system. Most standing poses manage to improve the asanas and they offer you an increased chance of mastering equilibrium, both physical and mental. In the following paragraphs we will have a look at two of the most important standing poses, the Mountain pose and the Triangle pose.

The mountain pose (known as the Tadasana) got its name from several defining attributes that share the symbols of the mountain. The pose benefits from a high level of relaxed strength and a feeling of invulnerability. Much like a mountain, the person practicing this pose will be surrounded by stillness and will feel a pronounced sensation of balance. The clarity and profound vision offered by this pose enable you to go deeper in your inner feelings and connect with your inner self on a very profound level.

Read full article here : Yoga Standing Poses