Monday, November 22, 2010

Yoga and Sacred Chant Retreat in Costa Rica Scheduled for Spring 2011 - SBWire (press release)

Snatam Kaur and GuruGanesha Singh Host 6 day yoga and sacred chant retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica

Purcellville, VA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/08/2010 -- From April 3 to 9, 2011 Sacred Chant musicians and Kundalini Yoga teachers, Snatam Kaur and GuruGanesha Singh will host their annual Yoga and Sacred Chant Retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica. This retreat focuses on using the tools of sacred chant, Kundalini Yoga and community to prepare for the transition to the Aquarian Age. It is a journey through the pathways of your own voice to discover your soul’s song.

Snatam Kaur is one of the most popular New Age artists of our time, selling over 70,000 albums a year. Snatam Kaur’s albums have topped New Age Billboard and New Age Retailer’s charts repeatedly.

Snatam Kaur, whose father was a manager for the Grateful Dead, has an amazing ability to transform traditional chants into a contemporary sound that awakens an ancient yearning in the soul. Sacred Sounds Radio calls her music “spiritually uplifting and deeply soul cleansing.” Ram Dass, celebrated author of Be Here Now, says that “in Snatam’s voice...there is purity, clarity, and love.”

You’ll find enthusiastic press about Snatam’s music everywhere from the Houston Chronicle to the Hindustan Times. Traveling the globe with her musical partner, GuruGanesha Singh, her concerts are beloved for their stunning beauty and the depth of experience they offer. This retreat is built around a deeper experience of their music and the daily practices that support them in their lives.

The retreat will consist of the following:

Morning Sadhana: A daily practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation to begin our day as a group with our spiritual connection to the Infinite

Riyaaz (Vocal Exercises) – Traditional East Indian vocal exercises (Riyaaz) to open the voice and build confidence for a daily vocal practice.

Daily Workshop –Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, and Mantra. Delve deep into the meaning of specific mantras with translation, pronunciation, practical application, and personal stories of experience.

Evening Kirtan – Each evening, meet together for kirtan and chanting. This will close the day as a group in prayer, gratitude and bliss.

Meals – Gourmet vegetarian meals will be home cooked from local, fresh ingredients. Yogi Tea will be served regularly. This healthy, cleansing food will support you in your spiritual journey.

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Downward Face Dog, Yoga For Beginners Posted By : Athil Singh

Yoga for beginners. There are many different yoga poses that are extremely effective. Today, I'd like to give you a few examples of some of them. I would like to devote this article to 'Standing Yoga Poses for Beginners'. Enjoy!!

The first pose is called: Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
In English this pose is called 'Downward Face Dog'.
Adho - downward, mukha = face, svana = dog.

Let's start with the step by step guidelines to master this particular pose.

1. This pose starts out on your hands and knees. Make sure your hands are positioned underneath the shoulders, spread your fingers wide and have your knees under your hips. Typically, you'll have your knees about 7 inches apart. Have your spine straightened and relaxed.

2. While you exhale, push your hips toward the ceiling. You will basically form a V-shape with your body arching in the back. At this point your arms and legs should be straight with your buttocks in the air. The shoulders should be relaxed. Move your heels toward the floor while your hands and feet remain hip-width apart.

Tip: At this point, if your hamstrings feel tight and hurt, you may bent the knees so your spine will be able to stretch fully.

3. Reduce the stress on the wrists by pressing down with the fingers and palms of your hands. Push your hips backwards. Your head should drop slightly and your heart should move toward your back.

4. Move your hips up and back. Make sure you keep the focus on your breathing while you're holding this pose. Deep, steady in- and exhalation techniques create a flow of energy. To finish this exercise, make sure you exhale and end on your hands and knees, the same way you've started the pose.

This posture will give you a flow of energy throughout the entire body. It's also extremely beneficial to stretch the shoulders, legs, spine and really your entire body as well. You will notice the buildup of strength in your body by practicing this pose.

Most strength benefits will be noticed in the arms, legs and feet. The yoga for beginners 'Downward Face Dog' pose will relieve you from feeling tired and rejuvenates your entire body. Benefit from a boost in your immune system, digestion, blood flow and even sinus problems. In addition, you'll notice a lift in your spirit and calming mindset.

By: Athil Singh

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