The Sanskrit word 'Yoga' has two meaning, because it is derived
from two roots - one is 'yujir yoge' and other is 'yuj
samadhou'. A good, regular yoga practice will go far in
relieving the stress and tension that sometimes cause mild back
pain, and in fact, studies have shown that yoga is the number
one most effective exercise for relieving back pain. There are
many types of yoga, some with more emphasis on the physical part
of the practice and some with a more spiritual approach,
some that will make you sweat and some where you'd spend half a
class holding the same posture.
Back to Chair Yoga: It goes by a variety of different names and
is sometimes mixed with other forms of exercise, within the same
class, such as: weight resistance, low-impact aerobics, Chair
Pilates, and Tai Chi. So, the one reason to try a Yoga class is
because you have found a low-impact exercise solution. Are you
tired all the time and feel the need to rest, but you know you
should get some exercise? How can you do both? The answer is to
start regularly attending Restorative Yoga classes, and reap the
rewards of healing without a tremendous amount of effort.
Continue To Read The Full Article Here : What Is Yoga