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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga performance enthralls audience at CWG opening ceremony - Economic Times
NEW DELHI: With body, mind and soul in unison, over 800 performers gave a stunning performance of forming the shape of a sun using most difficult 'asans' (postures) at the .
In a seven-and-a-half minute performance, 816 Yoga experts did a 'Suryanmaskar', a series of yoga postures done in salutation to the sun.
Dramatically changing the choreography, the performers began to spiral to depict 'kundalini' or the coiled energy, an instinctive force that lies at the base of the spine.
This coiled energy gave rise to the gigantic installation of a person in the 'Padma Asana' -- the lotus pose.
From within this rose the seven chakras, the seven energy points of the human body thus creating the final picture.
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New Delhi: Young athletes at the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony enthralled the audience by performing stunning yoga asanas and 'surya namaskar', a series of postures in salutation to the sun.
With body, mind and soul in unison, lean but strong performers in amber light spread across the field at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, depicting 'kundalini' or the coiled energy, an instinctive force that lies at the base of the spine.
Then one of them rose in the 'padma asana' or the lotus pose. The performers choreographed themselves to form 'chakras', the seven energy points of the human body as the 65,000-audience looked in awe.