Yoga is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in
India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. In
India and across the World, Yoga is seen as a means to both
physical health and spiritual mastery. Outside India, Yoga has
become primarily associated with the practice of asanas or
postures of Hatha Yoga.
Like many things in life, yoga poses are cumulative. Beginner
poses provide a foundation for later yoga poses. Though the only
way to adequately learn a pose is from an instructor, although
some can be described as examples.
The base for all standing poses is the "Mountain Pose," which
strengthens your thighs and improves your posture. Stand with
your big toes touching and evenly distribute your weight
throughout your feet. Press your feet into the floor, while
tightening your thighs to raise them. Draw in your belly, tuck
in your tailbone, stack the shoulders above the pelvis, and
widen your collarbones. You might want to practice against a
wall to feel how the pose aligns.
The "Staff Pose" is the foundation for all seated poses and can
be thought of as a seated version of the Mountain Pose. This
pose strengthens legs and improves bodily alignment. Sit with
your legs straight in front of you, engage the thighs, and flex
your feet (your heels might leave the floor). Lengthen your
spine and stack your shoulders over your hips. You might want to
start while sitting on padding, and if your hamstrings are too
tight, you'll have to bend your knees some.
Continue To Read Full Article Here : Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga