For families with children, “back to school” means that life becomes more hectic. These various stresses on our health can be eased by taking appropriate rest which, by the way, does not mean “vegging out” in front of the TV for hours.
Allowing yourself to take five or 10 minutes a day in a restorative yoga pose, coupled with some deep breathing, will do wonders for your state of mind and for your immune system.This month we are devoting our column to poses, such as this week’s Elevated Legs Posture, that will deliver healthful rest in a New York minute. The pose is a simple inversion that will give your hard-working heart a well-earned rest and facilitate greater blood flow to the brain while giving your legs a mini-vacation.
Find a clear wall space and get into the posture by placing your right hip against the wall. Then, lie down on your back and as you do so, swing your legs up the wall.
If you don’t feel comfortable, inch your hips away from the wall until you are comfortable. Now, set a timer for five minutes and forget about everything as you bring your attention to your breathing.
Allow your attention to focus on the inside your lungs. Feel how the lungs expand fully as they receive breath in, and notice as you exhale how the lungs feel when they release the breath out.
You can squeeze the lower belly at the bottom of the exhalation to purge even more breath out of the lungs and facilitate a deeper inhalation. The squeezing of the lower belly as you exhale will also rejuvenate the inner organs.
When your timer goes off, slowly hug both knees into your chest and roll to one side. Then, transition back into whatever activity awaits you — with the added benefit of an enhanced immune system and a calmer, more relaxed demeanor.