Simple Salabhasana can be turned into fancy incarnations of the pose, like Inverted Locust, where you balance on your shoulders and chin, and the Locust Scorpion, when your feet touch your head, but plain ol' Locust pose is a yoga class staple. This pose strengthens the back, booty, and the hamstring, areas of the body weakened by hours hunched over a keyboard. Here's a variation known as Locust B, which I like to do immediately after Locust A with no break in between to really challenge my muscles. This variation may look relaxing, but you'll definitely feel Locust working, and it's a great complement to abdominal exercises helping you maintain a strong core all the way around.

English Translation: Locust Pose
Learn the finer details of the pose when you read more.
Lie down on a mat on your belly, with your legs together. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your torso with your elbows bent.As you inhale, lift your legs, head, and upper body off the ground. Your hands remain on the floor for support.As you breathe, try to relax your shoulders and the muscles in your booty. Extend the crown of your head away from your toes, lengthening as much as you can through your spine. Stay for five breaths, and then release back to the mat.When doing this pose directly after Locust A, keep the torso and legs lifted and just switch your hand position from A, with your hands on the ground by your sides, to B. If your back feels worked, follow this pose with a Child's Pose to gently stretch out your spine.
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