This is the sort of thing you will learn from a yoga teacher or at a yoga school and from time to time you may have already considered taking yoga courses or getting some yoga DVDs. However, the fact is that these days most of us live very busy lifestyles - this is the reality of modern living and we are already overloaded with too much information.
If we are going to keep fit we need something that is convenient, quickly beneficial, can be done anywhere and won't take long!
As it is we probably already have a full or part - time job, children to look after, shopping to do at the supermarket, meals to prepare, a home and garden to care for and that's all before we get around to doing anything for ourselves.
However, with almost 30 years in the field of counselling and psychotherapy I know that if we don't look after our own needs and just concentrate on the job, the chores and the needs of others then emotional, and physical problems inevitably lie ahead.
And despite the fact that we may be "on the go" running around all day from one thing to another none of that prevents our bodies gradually tightening up and becoming less and less flexible. The truth is that this process has been going on for most of us since our early teens with our muscles starting to stiffen and shorten as we grow older.
One of the best ways to counteract this and to better look after yourself on a regular basis is yoga training. The problem is fitting it in around all those other things. Sometimes we start off with great intentions reading some yoga books and then finding ourselves a yoga teacher.
But after just a few weeks of determined effort and making a regular yoga class we find that suddenly the class time clashes with our children's needs to go to dance class or football, mum needs her shopping done or we have to work overtime and after a few missed classes we give up.
A much better way to pursue yoga training is to use a proven, high impact audio course that you can put on to your phone, MP3 player or CD player and use anywhere - at home, on holiday, on the beach, in the office (when it's quiet!) or in a hotel room if you are away on business.
You may be thinking, "Well why not a yoga DVD?" Frankly, they are distracting. You end up spending so much time, energy and effort concentrating on what the person in the video is doing and trying to get it right like them that the whole process starts eating into you valuable free time and becomes a chore.
You are also in danger of becoming dependent on the video images and probably feel that you can't do the exercises without them.
What are the benefits of yoga training? For a start regular yoga training can improve your blood circulation, balance and posture, cardiovascular performance and strengthen and tone muscles. Yoga for back problems is particularly effective and will also cut down dramatically on visits to the Chiropractor or Physiotherapist.
For existing athletes such as marathon runners, baseball and football players, tennis and golf players and all those in competitive sports yoga stretching can have a major impact on your performance allowing muscles to work to their full capacity.
Last but not least consistent yoga training will burn fat and, combined with some yoga breathing, improve your mental focus and concentration, making you in the long term calmer, stronger and more confident and remaining much more flexible and supple well into your later years.
Finally, you need a routine that is not time consuming and requires the minimum of effort. Research has shown that people that lose weight effectively and keep it off have stuck to a regular routine of a 30 minute exercise session every day. I exercise for around 30 minutes a day, five days a week and give myself the weekend off to do other things. Give it a try, it certainly works for me.
By: Peter CliffordArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGo to: to bring regular Yoga Training into your life (for beginners too and not just for runners!). Article Author: Peter Clifford I specialise in writing about health, wellbeing, modern lifestyles, business opportunities, relationship and emotional problems and environmental issues, having had a total of more than 40 years with experience in these areas.
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